こんにちは、 危機管理ジャーナリストのサマンサです。
今号では、 テロリズム をテーマに英語を勉強していきましょう。
♣ Useful Sentences
* The terrorists have many demands, they want a helicopter to escape.
* They demanded we sat on the floor with our hands tied.
* The airplane was hijacked after it took off from Osaka International airport.
* The Somali pirates hijacked the boat. Luckily, the hostages were released safety.
* Many people have been kidnapped in Columbia. The ransom demanded was more than we could pay.
* There is a suspicious bag/package/person in the lobby.
* The man was acting/behaving suspiciously.
* Those people are under surveillance.
* The hijackers threatened to blow up the plane if we did not do what they said.
* We have received several kidnap threats by mail.
◆ Exercise1
Scenario 1
You are on holiday with your wife in London. Your wife has gone to the toilet in the train station and you are waiting for her to come out. As you are standing there you are watching the people in the station and notice a man acting strangely. He puts a rucksack down near the station entrance and walks away quickly without looking back. Nobody else but you seem to have noticed the left bag and you decided to tell the station office what you saw. What will you say?
休暇中、あなたは奥さんとロンドンにいま す。駅の化粧室に立ち寄った奥さんを待っている時、不審な挙動の男に気が付きました。男は、駅の改札周辺にリュックサックを置き、振り向きもせずに急いで 立ち去りました。あなた以外にバックに気が付いた人はいる様子もありません。あなたは、駅員に自分が見たことを伝えようと思います。なんと言えばいいで しょう?
◆ Exercise2
Scenario 2
You are working with colleagues in a remote location in a dangerous part of Africa. A group of 10 terrorists attacked the building you were working in and you and 5 other Japanese colleagues have been captured. Two of your colleagues have gunshot wounds and one person is unconscious. You are the best English speaker among those still able to talk and the terrorist have demanded you speak to the British Army negotiator who has contact them by phone. The terrorists want to trade you and your colleagues for 1 million and the release of their religious leader Al-Said from prison in Yemen. They threaten to behead all of you if they see any army troops or helicopter near the building. What will you tell the negotiator on the phone?
あなたは、アフリカの危険地域にある支社で仲間たちと働いています。10人のテロ リストがオフィスビルを攻撃し、あなたと5人の同僚は捕まってしまいました。うち2人は銃撃により負傷し、1人は意識不明です。テロリストは、その中 で一番英語ができる状況にあるあなたに、イギリス軍隊の交渉人と電話で連絡を取り合うことを要求しました。テロリストは、あなたと同僚の解放の条件とし て、100万ドルの身代金とイエメンの刑務所に拘束されているアルサイードのリーダーの解放を求めました。テロリストは、もし軍隊やヘリコプターを見つけ たら、人質の首を取ると脅迫しています。あなたは、交渉人に何を話しますか?
♥Question 空欄を埋めてみましょう
Exercise 1
You: !
Station Office : Can I help you?
You: .
Station Office: Thank you for reporting that, the security staff will just check the situation, can you spare a few minute to describe the man?
Exercise 2
Negotiator: Hello? Who is this speaking?
You: .
Negotiator: How many hostages are there and what is their condition?
Negotiator: Can you tell me their names and who is injured?
You: .
(Terrorist shots at you to hurry up)
Negotiator: Have they made any threats or ransom demands?
You: .
(Terrorist takes away the phone)
前回の Exercise の解答例
Exercise 1
Volcanic Ash Advisory to residents:
The JMA is predicting ash fall from Mt. Fuji eruption will reach Tokyo this evening. Residents are advised to keep windows and balcony doors shut.
Clothing and bedding should not be hung out on the balcony areas. Balcony plants and pets should be provided with cover or brought inside. Residents are recommended to stay indoors during the Ash fall.
If essential to go out in the ash fall, residents should wear a facemask, goggles (DIY or Ski goggles are sufficient) and rain coats.
The eruption and ash fall may last for 2 weeks or longer. Residents are advised to regularly check and clean ash off exterior air conditioning units.
Please contact the building ‘Bousai’ Safety center if you have any questions.
Update on Mt. Fuji eruption
The recent eruption of Mt. Fuji has caused delays to production and products are presently being rerouted to alternate airports out of the Shizuoka and Tokyo region. We aim to ensure deliveries are delayed no longer than 2 weeks. To assess the ash impact on equipment the Factory will have a 3-day maintenance shutdown Wednesday-Friday.
We thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please contact Customer services(xxx@xxx.com)for further information.
Word puzzle
1. Dormant 2. Erupt 3. Ash Fall 4. Ash Cloud 5. Lava 6. Haze 7. Active 8. Ash
- keyword
- サマンサのBCP英語講座
毎週火曜日(平日のみ)朝9時~、リスク対策.com編集長 中澤幸介と兵庫県立大学教授 木村玲欧氏(心理学・危機管理学)が今週注目のニュースを短く、わかりやすく解説します。
2月1日~3月18日は「サイバーセキュリティ月間」。ここでは、企業に押し寄せているデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)の波から、セキュリティーのトレンドを考えます。DX 時代のセキュリティーには何が求められるのか、組織はどう対応していくべきか。マクニカ ネットワークスカンパニー バイスプレジデントの星野喬氏に聞きました。
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