今回のテーマは医療です。海外出張や駐在生活中に病気になった時、お医者さんに自分の症状状態を正しく伝えられますか? スキット(会話例)を使って勉強していきましょう。
Doctor A : Mr. Tanaka. Come in, please.
Doctor A : What’s the problem?
Tanaka: I have a fever.
Doctor A : How long have you had a fever?
Tanaka: Since last night, I have felt feverish and cold.
Doctor A : Do you have any other conditions?
Tanaka: No, but I have hay fever and high blood pressure.
Doctor A : Let's take a look at your throat.
It’s not serious. There is nothing to worry.
Do you have any drug allergies?
Tanaka : I am not allergic to any medicine.
Doctor A : You'll be alright. This medicine will reduce fever.
Take this medicine three times a day right after meals.
It will do you good. You'll be better soon.
♥Key Sentences
1. Since last night, I have felt feverish and cold.
2. I am not allergic to any medicine.
薬のアレルギーはありません。“be allergic to~” toの後に“eggs”(食べ物)にして「卵アレルギー」や“cats”(動物)「猫アレルギー」などに入れ替えて応用が利く表現です。
3. This medicine will reduce fever.
熱を下げるの「下げる」には“reduction”を使います。同様に痛みを和らげるは、“will reduce pain”、咳止めは“will reduce coughing”となります。病院だけでなく、薬局で薬を探すときにも使える表現です。
feverish 熱っぽい
hay fever 花粉症
high blood pressure 高血圧
drug allergies 薬のアレルギー
will reduce fever 解熱の
★Expand your knowledge
DoctorA:Whats the problem?
・dizzy くらくらする
・nausea 吐き気
・runny nose 鼻水
・joint pain 関節痛
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