About us
Risk Management Magazine
Risk-taisaku.com is #1 risk management magazine in Japan. “Taisaku” means “countermeasures” and “response” in Japanese.
Our aim is to deliver the depth knowledge regarding risk management, mainly disaster recovery and BCP (Business Continuity Planning). We provides trusted article and events info in Japanese (we do translate English article into Japanese, too).
In general, the word “com” stands for company and community.
Bimonthly on 25th of Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov
A variation of A4: 100-120 pages
5,000 copies (each issue)
Over 16,000 enrollment on our e-mail newsletter
Main readers of Magazine
Professional business person, administration official, official in local government
e.g.) Professionals of…
risk management/emergency management department of governmental organizations, risk management / emergency management department firm, CSR department of companies, General affairs department of companies, Finance section of companies, BCM professionals, BCM consulting, crisis-management consulting firm
Japan, Taiwan
Title of the feature
Vol.1 BCP of convenience store and super market
Vol.2 The big earthquake & Tsunami in Miyagi:
Predict a 99% possibility in next 30 years.
Vol.3 Is there any BCP for 2007 Chuetsu offshore earthquake?
Vol.4 Change the way of preparedness in office against earthquake
Vol.5 BCM for the government begins
Vol.6 New Risk Finance
Vol.7 BS25999-2 changes BCP in Japan
Vol.8 Green BCP “Integration of Environment and Disaster Management”
Vol.9 Countermeasures against H1N1 flu
-Company tackling the flu for Business Continuity-
Vol.10 How makes IT-BCP?
Vol.11 What is effective exercise and drill for BCP?
Vol.12 BCP for the small to medium size companies
Vol.13 Fight H1N1flu
Vol.14 BCP for the construction industry
Vol.15 How BS25999-2 influences BCP in Japan?
Vol.16 The Crisis management and BCP in Yokohama city
Vol.17 BCP for medical facilities ←SOLD OUT
Vol.18 Supply Chain Continuity Management
Vol.19 Learn from BCM in the UK
Vol.20 Record the flu damage for risk managers in the future
Vol.21 Using Crowd Computing for BCP
Vol.22 Crisis Management Industry in China
Vol.23 Public Relations in Crisis
Vol.24 Think the law risk when company expand business overseas
Vol.25 BCP in 3.11 Tohoku Earthquake
Vol.26 Earthquake insurance
Vol.27 Change the way of thinking from Preparedness to Resilience
Vol.28 Evaluation BCM in 3.11
-Case Studies of 16 firm’s BCM-
Vol.29 International Standard for social security and BCM
Vol.30 How to make Emergency Operation Center / Incident Command System
Vol.31 Prepare for Blackout
Vol.32 UK’s BCM preparation for the Olympic games
Vol.33 Risk Management for Supply Chain
Prevent a sudden disruption of component procurement from disaster
Vol.34 Countermeasure for the commuters unable to get home when the big
earthquake hits in Tokyo
Vol.35 Eruption risk rising
Vol.36 Risks of expanding overseas
Vol.37 Requirements for the Leaders
Vol.38 Validate the way of safety confirmation
Vol.39 Resilient Towns & Buildings
Vol.40 Changing TEPCO’s ICS (Incident Command System)
Vol.41 Rethink your disaster agreement
Vol.42 Method for BCP cooperation
Vol.43 Functional information sharing
Vol.44 Local contribution and BCP
Vol.45 What can we prepare for the torrential rain
Vol.46 Growth by disaster prevention
Vol.47 Yahoo! Japan’s ERM
Vol.48 In-house fire fighting team
Vol.49 cultivation of human resources
Vol.50 Crisis Management for the Olympic
Vol.51 Can you depends on the administrator?
The BCI Asia Business Continuity Awards 2012
“Business Continuity Management Special Contribution of the Year“
Shinken Press Ltd.
Company Name Shinken Press Ltd.
Address Tokyo :
5F Goudoukaikan Bldg., 3-27 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
102-0094 Japan
Nagano :
686-8 Minamiagata-machi, Nagano-city, Nagano 380-8622 Japan
+81(0)3-3556-5525 (Tokyo Office)
+81(0)3-5556-5526 (Tokyo Office)
E mail
Yusei Miura
Shinken Press Ltd. publishes newspapers for constructors and many books of housing.
“Shinken” means “build something new”. The company was founded in 1945. The company published a house building journal in Nagano prefecture, middle part of Japan.
In 1995, when the Great Hanshin Earthquake hit the Kansai region, Mr.Kazuma Izawa (former head and owner of Shinken Press) took many workers, such as constructors in Nagano prefecture, to Kobe city where the disaster stricken area for helping victims.
At that time, Mr.Izawa made a new policy of the company “Change Japanese buildings and houses much stronger against disaster through our media”. He set up a new office in Tokyo, begun to publish new journals (newspapers and magazines) for home builders and constructors named “Shinken-Housing”. It is currentry one of our main media.
From the early 2000’s onwards, financial crisis plunged Japan into a deep and prolonged economic slump. Many companies and local governments had difficulties to construct new buildings or maintenance due to financial difficulties.
In 2007, Shinken Press published a new magazine called “Risk-taisaku.com” which focus on BCP, Disaster recovery and Risk finance.
Main Products
■Newspaper / Shinken Housing
Specialized newspaper for home builders in Japan.
Publish 3 times a month. It has a circulation of 10,000.
Main readers are architects, home builders, building contractors, etc.
■Magazine / Risk-taisaku.com
Risk management magazine. Focus on BCP, Disaster Recovery and Risk Finance.
Publish bimonthly. It has a circulation of 5000 each issue.
■Books / Japanese Houses
Books of traditional Japanese house, modern house, import house, etc.