Doctor : Hello Mr. Smith, How are you feeling today?
Mr.Smith : I have a rash on my arms and my wrist is swollen.
Doctor : Please let me see it [looks at Mr Smith’s arms].
Doctor : Do you have any allergies?
Mr.Smith : Not that I am aware of. Doctor : Have you been taking any medication?
Mr.Smith : No.
Doctor : What were you doing before the rash appeared?
Mr.Smith : I was cutting some hedges back in my garden.
Doctor : The rash looks like an allergic reaction, it could be the one of the plants was poisonous. So I will prescribe you some anti-histamine – there is a cream or a tablet you could have.
Mr.Smith : Which is better?
Doctor : The tablet will act quicker to reduce the swelling – here is the prescription – please take it to the Pharmacy.
Mr.Smith : Thank you.
♥Key Sentences
1. I have a rash on my arms and my wrist is swollen.
腕に発疹ができて、手首が腫れてむくんでいるんです。Swollenは体調を表す表現としてよく使われ、例えば泣いた後や花粉症で目が腫れぼったい時は、“swollen eye”と言います。
2. The rash looks like an allergic reaction, it could be that one of the plants was poisonous.
発疹はアレルギー反応のようですね、庭の植物の中に毒性のものがあったのかもしれません。アレルギー性の発疹は“allergic rash”といいます。 抗ヒスタミン薬とは、アトピーや花粉症などのかゆみを抑える薬として使われます。
Symptoms 症状
Medication 薬物、治療
Rash ふきでもの、発疹
Swollen 腫れ上がった、むくんだ swellの過去分詞
Poisonous 毒のある
Prescribe 処方する/Prescriptionは処方箋
1. There is a of diabetes.
2. I'm not taking any and don t have any .
3. My wrist twist it.
4. The I ve noticed are a rash and it hurts when I look at lights.
5. I have lots of I m affected by tree pollen, dogs and cats and penicillin.
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