♣ Useful Sentences
< Primary Effects > (初期の影響)
* The buildup of ash on the roof of the building must be cleared else there is a risk of collapse.
* Air flights from Haneda airport have been cancelled and diverted due to the ash cloud.
* The factory air conditioners are not working because volcanic ash has blocked the filters.
* People are recommended to stay-in-doors due to the low visibility and limited transport service due to the ash fall.
* An evacuation order has been issued for several regions around Mt. Unzen due to increase activity and concerns of a pyroclastic flow.
* We have had 24hr darkness for the past 2 weeks due to the volcanic ash from Mt Fuji’s eruption.
< Secondary Effects >(2次的影響)
* The haze from the Volcanic eruption caused the summer to be cooler and darker than normal meaning this year tea and rice crops have been poor.
* The factory was severely damaged by a mudflow caused by heavy rain washing ash from the recent eruption off the nearby mountains.
◆ Exercise
Scenario 1
Mt Fuji has erupted. Due to the wind direction and scientific models ash fall is expect in Shizuoka and will reach Tokyo tonight. Scientist cannot predict how long the eruption will be for, though the previous 1707 Hoei eruption was for 2 weeks. The JMA has announced ash fall in Tokyo could potentially be up to 8cm deep.
You are responsible for building safety of a Tokyo residential apartment and have been asked to put up advisory Notices in English for foreign residents about the ash fall safety issues in Tokyo.
Scenario 2
The eruption has disrupted operations your Sizuoka factory due to ash blocking filters and products have to be diverted to airport out of the ash cloud region. The current expected delay in delivery of products 2 weeks. The factory is at the bottom of a mountain and due to concerns about possible lahar (mudflows caused by rain washing ash down to the mountain), your company is setting up preventative irrigation but will be shut down Wednesday, Thursday and Friday due to predicted heavy rainfall to ensure safety of staff.
You have been asked to write an English web update on the situation to notify foreign customers.
Dear Yin
We are shocked and sadden to see the news about the earthquake. It is truly terrible and we are very sorry to hear about the loss of life and people affected.
We are very grateful for the update on the factory situation. If there is any assistance we can provide, please let us know. It could be possible for us to arrange for generator to be shipped from Japan and we have a maintenance team ready to send to the factory at the earliest convenience. Our staff has started to collect donation for your staff.
Please keep us updated on the situation.
Our thoughts are with you all at the very difficult time.
Mr. Suzuki
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