第6回 リスクマネジメントの英語 パンデミック編

サマンサ リドラー
国際危機管理学会のソーシャル・メディア・マネージャー。 Peerto-Peer Finance Association社の業務執行取締役も兼任。 ケンブリッジ大学で技術政策の修士を取得。 危機管理分野への関心が強く、 日本とイギリスの企業にBCPを教え、 レポートなどを発表している。
サマンサ リドラー
国際危機管理学会のソーシャル・メディア・マネージャー。 Peerto-Peer Finance Association社の業務執行取締役も兼任。 ケンブリッジ大学で技術政策の修士を取得。 危機管理分野への関心が強く、 日本とイギリスの企業にBCPを教え、 レポートなどを発表している。
こんにちは、 危機管理ジャーナリストのサマンサです。
今号では、 パンデミ ック をテーマに英語を勉強していきましょう。
♣ Useful Sentences
* The Doctor can give you antibiotics.
* Please use the antibacterial spray in the reception.
* It is possible to contract the virus from contaminated surfaces.
* He contracted the virus from sitting next to a sick passenger on the airplane.
* Scientist believes the virus will peak in two weeks time.
* The virus can be spread through coughing.
* Coughing is a characteristic symptom of asthma.
* Our key staff has received flu vaccination.
* We have been vaccinated against several flu stains including H2N2.
* H2N2 is more likely to be infected by direct contact with animals.
* Prevent transmission of H2N2 from one person to another.
* Cover mouth when you cough.
* Taking all possible precautions.
◆ Exercise1
Scenario 1
Scenario 1 The new H2N2 virus has been spreading around the Tokyo area. You have been asked by the company director to put an update on your corporate website of all the measure which your company is taking to reduce business impact.
♥Question 1
How will you write?
◆ Exercise2
Scenario 2
You are a building safety manager and you have been asked to write a notice for foreign residents/staff in English on what they should do to avoid spreading the H2N2.
♥Question 2
How will you write?
◆ Exercise3
There has been an outbreak of H2N2 virus in Gyangdong region of China. You are concerned about one of your company’s major suppliers in the region.
(新型インフルエンザH2N2 が中国広東省で発生し た。 あなたは現地周辺地域の重要サプライヤーについて懸念している。)
♥Question 3
Write an email to ask about their situation and resilience plans.
前回の Exercise の解答例
Scenario 1
You: Excuse me!
Station Officer: Can I help you?
You: A man left a rucksack by the entrance of the station, who was acting very suspiciously and hurried away after putting down the bag.
Station Officer: Thank you for reporting that, the security staff will just check the situation. Can you spare a few minute to describe the man?
Scenario 2
(Terrorist gives you the phone)
Negotiator: Hello? Who is this speaking?
You : My name is Kouta Nakamura. I work for Shinken Construction. I am a hostage.
Negotiator: How many hostages are there and what is their condition?
You: There are six of us, two have been shot and one is unconscious.
Negotiator: Can you tell me their names and who is injured?
You: Kenichi Tanabe, Ichiro Yamamoto have been shot, Ryouji Makita is unconscious, Kohei Tanaka and Naoto Sato are ok.
(Terrorist shouts at you to hurry up)
Negotiator: Have they made any threats or ransom demands?
You: They say they will kill us if they see any troops or helicopters near this building. They want $1million and the release of Al Saiid in Yemen.
(Terrorist takes away the phone)
毎週火曜日(平日のみ)朝9時~、リスク対策.com編集長 中澤幸介と兵庫県立大学教授 木村玲欧氏(心理学・危機管理学)が今週注目のニュースを短く、わかりやすく解説します。
2月1日~3月18日は「サイバーセキュリティ月間」。ここでは、企業に押し寄せているデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)の波から、セキュリティーのトレンドを考えます。DX 時代のセキュリティーには何が求められるのか、組織はどう対応していくべきか。マクニカ ネットワークスカンパニー バイスプレジデントの星野喬氏に聞きました。
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